The Panther’s Top Songs 2023
The Panther compiled the songs our staff had on repeat this academic year into a playlist for the Chapman community. Graphic by SUKHMAN SAHOTA, art director
It's that time of year again, Panthers. It feels like only a few weeks ago we were moving all of our belongings into our dorms, apartments and houses, ready to take on another year at Chapman.
Here we are now, just about nine months later, gearing up for finals week, applying for summer internships, prepping for graduation and, if you're like me, procrastinating on how you will somehow manage to fit all your clothes into your suitcase again.
Looking back, it's been a great past few months, but I am sure everyone has had their ups and downs.
The question is, whether you were laughing with friends, going on a walk or drive, feeling sad about a bad grade or just relaxing, what were the songs that were playing in the background of those moments? What songs helped you survive the year?
I am proud to present to you The Panther 2023 playlist that contains our staff’s picks of songs that have been played on repeat, getting us through the year.
Each staff member submitted three songs to contribute. Play it while you study for finals, depart on a long car ride back home, enjoy it over summer or maybe just have a dance party to reminisce about the previous year.
Give it a listen and we hope you enjoy!