Zoom comedy show seeks to increase LGBTQIA+ representation
Izzi Cavotta, a senior theater performance major, founded the virtual comedy show “On Wednesdays We Are Gay,” which debuts Nov. 25. Photo courtesy of Cavotta
Logic would say there has never been a worse time for stand-up comedy. Stand-up is an art form that thrives in small rooms, with people packed close together so that the laughs multiply. You’re more likely to laugh if the person sitting two feet from you is cracking up.
In the midst of a global pandemic, this proximity-induced ripple effect is impossible. But Izzi Cavotta, a Chapman senior theater performance major, is taking this problem and running with it.
Cavotta, the co-host and co-founder of the upcoming weekly show “On Wednesdays We Are Gay,” created the virtual stand-up series as a safe place for the LGBTQIA+ community. Hosted by Cavotta, a “self-proclaimed ally” and Erin Hattamer, a Emerson College graduate and self-described “certified gay,” their first show will take place on Nov. 25 at 8 p.m. every Wednesday from thereon.
Cavotta and Hattamer met through interning at KO Comedy, a virtual comedy club founded by comedian Sammy Obeid, who also serves as the host for the Netflix show “100 Humans.” KO Comedy puts on multiple Zoom shows a week for free, giving interns an open invitation to create their own show.
Given the opportunity, Cavotta wanted to do something more than just a standard open mic. She had been doing stand up comedy since her sophomore year and wanted to place representation at the forefront of her show, creating a safe place in a traditionally hypermasculine environment, she said.
“Every time I’ve done stand up at a club, I’ve been the only girl there.” Cavotta said. “There’s a lot of people wanting to do comedy and that’s a big reason people don’t, because there’s this weird environment around it.”
Although doing stand-up comedy over Zoom does present some challenges, such as internet lag, Cavotta told The Panther her experiences doing other shows with KO Comedy thus far have been positive.
“One of my favorite things about comedy is feeling the energy of the audience,” Cavotta said. “When people’s mics are off, you still get that energy over Zoom.”
Elements of in-person stand up shows were still present in the transition to virtual shows according to Cavotta, such as non-verbal communication cues like laughing and smiling.
“It was so stress-free. It literally just felt like I was having a conversation. It was more just like, being funny and having people laugh at you on the other side of the camera,” Cavotta said. “If you were ever interested in doing stand up, this is the perfect opportunity to, because you’re literally just in your room.”
“On Wednesdays We Are Gay” will take place weekly on Wednesdays at 8 p.m. PST. Interested parties can email kowednesdays@gmail.com for a Zoom link.