Best of: The Pizza Press reigns supreme among students
Students debate whether the best made-to-order pizza exists at Blaze Pizza or The Pizza Press.
Both made-to-order pizza chains Blaze Pizza and The Pizza Press are within walking distance of one another in the Orange Plaza and Chapman students engage in debate over which restaurant reigns supreme. Photo by GABRIELLA ANDERSON, Staff Photographer
Students across campus have consistently engaged in an endless debate of whether the best made-to-order pizza exists at popular chain Blaze Pizza or at The Pizza Press. Given that both restaurants are within walking distance of one another in the Orange Plaza, Chapman students regularly debate not only which they should go to, but which is simply better.
“The crust at Pizza Press is a lot better,” said Rithu Gurazada, a sophomore political science major. “Blaze’s crust is burnt.”
When it comes to crusts, Blaze tends to have a dry texture and can be a bit on the burnt side. Perhaps this is due to the use of a fire oven at Blaze, while Pizza Press simply uses the conveyor belt oven. While my crust has never been seriously burnt, I definitely prefer the texture at Pizza Press.
The Pizza Press unequivocally outdoes Blaze Pizza when it comes to the variety in the realm of fast food. More choices for toppings, condiments and beverages are some of the reasons to list. What’s more is the character of the interior itself, as the names of the pizzas are more creative and quirky, according to junior psychology major Courtney Baker.
However, Blaze does have some items that The Pizza Press lacks, or charges extra for.
“Since I’m vegetarian, Pizza Press has more vegetable options,” Gurazada said. “But Blaze does have the vegan chicken protein crumble.” Alison Wu, a junior strategic and corporate communication major, said that Blaze Pizza takes her top pick because of its vegan cheese option that’s included within the original pricing for the pizza, whereas The Pizza Press requires an extra dollar out of your wallet.
Personally, my dislike for Blaze Pizza is due to the fact that it just isn’t as good quality and fresh-tasting as The Pizza Press. Perhaps this is because Blaze is a popular chain and Pizza Press isn’t as popular — because don’t we all love rooting for the underdog?
But in all honesty, while the inclusivity of dietary restrictions are prominent at Blaze Pizza, the quality of the ingredients and dough used to create a soft-baked The Pizza Press pizza can’t be beat.