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‘Bones’ or ‘no bones’: Noodle the pug becomes fortune teller for Tiktok users

Tiktok sensation Noodle, a 13-year-old pug, and his owner, Jonathan Graziano, capture the hearts of Chapman students with daily videos. Photo illustration by DANIEL PEARSON, Photo Editor

Any dog lover knows a pug’s iconic characteristics consist of their mischievous personality, their scrunchy, muzzled face and of course their curly-q tail. 

But, do those characteristics constitute the makings of a fortune teller? Well, for a 13-year-old pug named Noodle, it certainly does. 

Noodle and his owner Jonathan Graziano sparked a recent TikTok sensation with their daily posts predicting what type of day people will have. Now, it may seem like a shocker to have anyone else replicate the wonders of Groundhog Day’s Punxsutawney Phil, but Noodle, much like his tail, created his own twist. 

Each day, Graziano gracefully picks up Noodle to determine if it will be a “bones” or “no bones” day. If Noodle is able to stand his ground, it qualifies as a “bones” day, but if he topples back to his sherpa dog bed, it is a “no bones” day. 

Megan Miller, a senior screenwriting major, told The Panther the characteristics of a “bones” day are a don't-stop-til’-you-drop type of moment, while a “no bones” day is more serene and focused on self-care. 

“A ‘bones’ day (means) good omens are in the air, so you should go for the things that you normally wouldn’t do and set yourself up to have a good day and be a productive person,” Miller said. “‘No bones’ day is the opposite of that, where you put on a face mask, watch a movie and don’t do anything too crazy.”

In August, Graziano and Noodle had around 25,000 followers on TikTok, but now that number has risen to more than 4 million. Many have taken Noodle’s advice to heart — more so than any other horoscope or Tarot card reading. It seems like the entire nation is putting their fate into the paws of Noodle, including the Chapman community. But why?

Mikayla DeBlaquiere, a junior creative producing major, said even though countless furry influencers pop up on her social media daily, Noodle especially resonated with her. 

“I love pugs; my whole For You Page (consists) of dogs, cats and animals in general,” DeBlaquiere said. “I wasn’t super surprised to have (Noodle) pop up, but when he flopped over, I thought it was the cutest thing ever. There’s a cute dog and a cute message, and how can you ignore that? How can you hate on Noodle?”

Miller is another die-hard fan of Noodle and thought it would be best to share this positivity by creating posters in the Student Engagement Office, where she works as the lead office operations assistant. The 18-by-24-inch poster she made is adorned with images of Noodle, and it is titled “Noodle’s Forecast.” While it may look like a shrine to this ever-knowing pug, Miller said it spreads joy and connects the community even more. 

Megan Miller, the lead office operations assistant in the Student Engagement Office, hung posters of Noodle throughout her workplace. Photo courtesy of Megan Miller

“I remember there was one time where (Graziano) didn’t post for a while, because he was going on vacation, and we didn't have an update if it was a ‘bones’ or ‘no bones’ day,” Miller said. “Everybody kept coming up (to me) asking, ‘Do we know if it’s a “bones” day yet?’ or ‘Is it a “no bones” day?’”

While the adorable features of Noodle attract a wide number of audiences, many people note Gonzalez and his comments toward Noodle’s predictions for their day provide even more reason to tune in. Whether it’s telling fans to “buy the more expensive pashmina in (their) cart” on a “bones” day or advising them to immediately cancel their plans on a “no bones” day, Graziano amplifies the purity and adorableness of Noodle’s expressions.

“It’s just a simple guy and a simple dog,” DeBlaquiere said. “It’s such a cool perspective on day-to-day life, and people want to hear it. People sometimes need some positivity and need to hear that it’s O.K. to not always be positive or to not always be ready for the day.”

Pets these days are becoming social media superstars on par with human influencers, whether it's these cuddly creatures doing tricks on TikTok or being photographed in ridiculous costumes on Instagram. But, the uniqueness of Noodle and Gonzalez giving gems of advice to millions of people around the world makes them stand out among an oversaturated media landscape. 

According to Emma Rothleutner, a senior health science major, people direct so much attention toward Noodle, because it validates what they already feel like doing each day.

“I think a lot of people look for outside sources to tell them how they should be feeling,” Rothleutner said. “I don’t think it’s that deep most of the time. It’s like how some people use astrology, or say, ‘Mercury is in retrograde, therefore it’s a bad day.’ We let outside things dictate how we are feeling.”

No matter the reason, Noodle still continues to hold power over the people as a modern-day oracle to the gods. Every morning, viewers can expect a freshly precious video of Gonzalez and Noodle showcasing their love for each other and spreading appreciation toward having a productive day, or even a not-so-productive day. 

Whatever the reading may be, Rothleutner said it’s exactly what the world needs right now. 

“With how unpredictable things are with the pandemic ... (videos of Noodle are) something to look forward to,” Rothleutner said. “You can plan on it, and I think that stability is something that is hard to find in our lives right now.”

Favorite lines from Jonathan Graziano to boost any mood:

Bones Day:

“Buy the TV. You know you want the damn TV. You’ve got to treat yourself today.” 

“Go have Greek food by a river; what a thrill that is.”

“I hope you buy the rollerblades. I hope you sell the kayak. You don’t need a kayak.”

“Buy that jetski. Buy insurance for that jet ski. Buy a place to store that jetski.”

“Schmooze that judge. Buy those diamonds. Put that fried chicken on your salad.”

No Bones Day:

“Get out the jade roller. Bust out the heated blanket. What a day for a heated blanket.”

“Wear soft pants today. No hard pants on a ‘no bones’ day.”

“If Beth calls and says, ‘Come to LegoLand with me and my two kids,’ feel free to say, ‘Beth, you know I love you, but it’s a “no bones” day, and little Carl kicks me when I’m around, and you know I think little Jeffery was born without a moral compass, and I don’t have the bones for them today.’ You can say that; that’s fine.”

“You have permission to flop today. Whatever that means for you. If you need to be a flop, flop on plans and flop.”