Opinion | T’was a month before 2021
Mady Dever, Opinions Editor
'Twas a month before 2021, when all across the globe, Not a creature went anywhere, not even leaving their homes; The stockings were hung despite all gone wrong, In hopes that the coronavirus would soon be gone.
The world was nestled all snug in their beds; While visions of vaccines danced in their heads; And nurses in their PPE, and I with my mask, Had just settled down for a long year’s task.
When on CNN there arose such a clatter, I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter. Away to the TV I flew like a flash, Hoping the stock market didn’t just crash.
The polls had announced our new-chosen leader, And gave a luster of hope to Americans much needed. When what to my wondering eyes did appear, But an orange man with a face full of fear; With a yellow toupee and the face of a grump, I knew in a moment he must be Mr. Trump.
More rapid than eagles his posse stampedes, And he whistled, and shouted and refused to concede: "Now, Pennsylvania! Now, Arizona! Now Wisconsin and Georgia! On, Guiliani! On, Don Jr.! On, fraud and miscounting! To every last vote! To the lawyers he called! Now recount! Recount! Recount them all!"
As votes for Biden before us did fly, When we were met with a victory, the states did cry; So out of the White House the posse, they flew, With the sleigh full of lies, and Mr. Trump too – And then, in a twinkling, more cases ensued, Growing and rising; Please, no more bad news.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around, To the rescue Fauci came with a bound. He told us to wear masks, from ear to ear, And to socially distance for the rest of the year.
The fate of the U.S. he had flung on his back, And he looked tired, from all the verbal attacks. The coronavirus – how it plagued! The isolation, how alone School was on screens, and birthdays over the phone!
Our nerves and our fears drawn tight like a bow, And the masks on chins when they should be over the nose; The simplest of tasks, to some difficult to see, And the stress, it encircled our heads like a wreath.
We baked cookies and bread, just to fill time, And begged for a stimulus worth more than a dime; We became chubby and plump, gyms closed, memberships shelved, And I laughed when my jeans were taut, in spite of myself.
A breath of fresh air and a bad mood hard to shed, Soon I hope to know I’ll have nothing to dread; Mulled wine and peppermint, holidays in sight; We filled all our stockings, turned on Christmas lights.
And standing six feet apart or more, Maybe next year we’ll invite friends to the door; I’ll spring onto Zoom, to call friends and family afar; Then our spirits lifted, that no quarantine could bar.
And I’ll tweet to all, something merry and bright – “Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!”