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Alcohol over 15% ABV banned from fraternity events

The 15 percent rule by Chapman’s Interfraternity Council (IFC) prohibits the presence and serving of alcoholic beverages that are above 15 percent ABV in chapter events and facilities. Photo by KALI HOFFMAN, Photo Editor

Aug. 15 marked the adoption of the 15 percent rule by Chapman’s Interfraternity Council (IFC). 

The 15 percent rule “prohibits the presence or serving of alcoholic products above 15 percent alcohol by volume (ABV) in any chapter facility or at any chapter event, except when served by a licensed third-party vendor,” according to a document created by Chapman IFC. 

Go-to alcoholic beverages at off-campus parties–including vodka, tequila, gin and rum– will not be allowed inside fraternity parties, formals, date parties, exchanges, brotherhoods, recruitment and new member events. Fraternities will not serve beverages according to these new limitations, or bring drinks independently to their events. 

To enforce this, the 15 percent rule stipulates that at the entrance to all events, there must be a monitor. This monitor will either be a member of the fraternity’s chapter or a third-–party hire and will tasked with looking at the ABV on any drink that a partygoer has brought. If it is not in line with the 15 percent ABV parameters, it must be disposed of. In addition to regulating alcoholic beverages, fraternities are now required to “provide an ample supply of sealed water bottles.” 

As laid out by IFC, if a fraternity violates any aspect of the 15 percent rule, they will meet with a Judiciary Council consisting of Chapman IFC’s president, vice president of standards and vice president of recruitment in partnership with panhellenic council members. 

At these meetings, each incident will be analyzed and consequences will be delivered accordingly. The goals stated in the document distributed by IFC about the policy include “a community-wide desire to reduce chapter and individual member liability, reduce the number of hospital transports, combat binge drinking culture and proactively develop effective safety procedures to prevent future tragedies from occurring.” 

When asked about her thoughts on the policy, Greek life member and junior graphic design major Annie Brennan said that she believes “time will tell if it’s is a positive step or not.” While this policy is mostly applied to fraternities, Chapman panhellenic will embrace this as a new overall standard to both fraternities and sororities and has shown support for its adoption and implementation, according to Anica Carnahan, panhellenic council president. 

When asked if this policy changes anything about Orange Police Department’s procedure for responding to house parties, Sergeant Phil McMullin said that it does not, as the police department and the Chapman liaison were not aware of the policy’s implementation. 

The identification and regulation of these types of alcohol present at fraternity events will be handled by each fraternity chapter, IFC and the judiciary council appointed. This policy was instituted by fraternities and will be enforced by those same fraternities to take steps toward chapter accountability and safety. 

“IFC’s top priority has been to make this public knowledge in our fraternity and sorority community,” said IFC President Chase Johnsen. “It is an IFC policy and the expectation does not fall on (OPD).”