The Panther’s Guide to the SGA Special Elections

Graphic by Julia Donovan

The Student Government Association (SGA)’s Special Election is set to take place this week following a deadline imposed by their previous constitution. 

It comes after two senators resigned over the summer, ensuring that a special election is in order. As a result, elections for the School of Communication senator and student organization senator will be held this week. 

[ Read SGA proposes four amendments to Constitution for Spring 2024 Election ]

Amanda Dornsife and Edgar Garcia are running for the School of Communication senator. Dornsife is a senior pursuing a bachelor’s in communication studies, disability studie and psychology. Garcia, also a junior communication studies major, is a write-in candidate. They did not respond to requests for interview.

Helene Vlok, a business administration and art history double major, is running for student organization senator. Vlok, the Kappa Alpha Pi pledge class professional chair, declined a request for an interview. 

To vote, students can log in to their using their Chapman credentials (omit all zeros), and then they either (1) select the candidate they wish to support, (2) write the name of a candidate they support or (3) abstain.

“Ultimately, each election must have at least a 5% voter turnout to elect a candidate,” explained SGA Director Cintya Felix. “For example, last year, the student organization senator position required about 375 votes to pass. On the other hand, the School of Communications senator required 30 votes.”

Additionally, for any first-year students who are interested in joining SGA or receiving information regarding open positions, Felix encourages them to fill out the SGA Interest Form.

In addition to the reslating, General Elections will be held from Sept. 16 to 19 (at 5 p.m.) for the College of Performing Arts senator, Schmid College of Science and Technology senator, at large senator, first year senator, senior senator, Dodge senator, and student organization senator 2.


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