Angela Bassett to speak at graduation commencement ceremony
Award-winning American actress Angela Bassett is set to speak at Chapman’s 2023 commencement ceremony on May 19. Photo by D'Andre Michael
After this year’s commencement ceremony, it will be safe to say that Angela Bassett definitely “did the thing.”
Each year, Chapman University welcomes a notable commencement speaker, such as “Stranger Things” creators and Chapman alumni Matt and Ross Duffer in 2007. This year, Chapman President Daniele Struppa announced that Bassett — an American actress of many accolades — would be the speaker for the graduating class of 2023.
“From her portrayal of pioneering women to her personal passion to mentor and elevate filmmakers through her own production company, Angela is truly inspirational,” Struppa wrote in an April 6 press release. “I am excited that she will share her journey with our students as they embark upon their own career paths.”
Bassett is also a director and executive producer, best known for her roles in films and television series like the “Black Panther” movies, “What’s Love Got to Do with It” and “American Horror Story.”
Time Magazine named Bassett one of 2023’s most influential people of the year. In addition, she has received two Golden Globe Awards in 1994 and 2023, as well as two nominations for the Oscars in the same years.
Bassett is also set to receive an honorary doctorate of the arts degree at the graduation ceremony.
Matt Parlow, the university’s executive vice president and chief advancement officer, is in charge of planning and executing the event. He commented on why Bassett had been chosen to speak at the event this year.
“Each year, we try and identify a keynote speaker for commencement who has distinguished themselves in their field and who would have a powerful message for our graduates,” Parlow wrote in a statement sent to The Panther. “Ms. Bassett is one of the top actresses in Hollywood with an impressive list of awards and recognitions.”
Graduating students are very excited with the announcement of Bassett coming to speak at their commencement.
Paola Mejia Ruiz, a senior strategic and corporate communication major, shared her thoughts on why she is excited for Bassett to give the honorary speech.
“I am very thankful to Chapman for giving us the opportunity to be able to have an amazing role model at our commencement,” Ruiz told The Panther. “I can’t wait to hear what she has to say to me and my fellow classmates as we embark on this new journey.”
Fellow graduating strategic and corporate communication major Justin Souvannarath said he was very inspired that Chapman's commencement speaker is a woman of color.
“I am very excited about Angela Bassett coming to speak at Chapman because she is a very well-known woman of color actress, and many of my friends from home love her,” Souvannarath told The Panther. “This is a very important step for POC (people of color) students and is a big step for Chapman.”