Opinion | 10 haikus: me, you and pandemic blues
Madelyn Johnson, junior screenwriting major
1. On blue light glasses:
No headache for me
But reflection of my screen
Everyone can see
2. On double masking:
Too much sweating and
I can’t breathe but at least you
can’t see my “maskne”
3. On superspreaders:
Chapman’s hottest frat
is KNE or Kovid-
Nineteen Expected
4. On @chapmansuperspreaders Instagram:
Like naked Cersei
Shame, shame, shame. Learn your lesson
And keep others safe.
5. On Zooming from bed:
This is my bed. You
can see where I sleep. Is this
real intimacy?
6. On on-campus housing:
Roomie does not snore,
but I can’t stand the sound of
his ventilator.
7. On online flirting:
We've never talked, and
your camera’s always off
But let's fall in love
8. On solitude:
Physical touch is
a bust. I can’t sit with my
deep, dark, scary thoughts.
9. On vaccinations:
The vaccine has come
We can finally be done
Praising Big Pharma
10. On legs:
Head, torso and wrists
If Zoom can’t see them, do my
legs even exist?