Opinion | A love letter to the Panther Village cats

Illustration by JULIA SOUSA, Business Manager

To the felines who roam the Panther Village parking lot:

My heart yearns for your companionship. Late at night, as I roam the sidewalk at Panther Village, I often catch a glimpse of one or two of you scrumptious little furballs darting behind a bush or ducking under a car. But before I am able to gather my thoughts, you are gone as swiftly as you came — like a cloud drifting away into the early morning breeze.

Why must you play so hard to get?

Angelina Hicks, Managing Editor

Every time I see you wandering the pavement, pain pierces my soul. I know we aren’t meant to be. I know you likely already have loving owners and happy families, but when I see you waiting outside my door as I rush off to class, I can’t help but think it should be me you’re returning home to at night.

Do you think about me like I think about you?

I often imagine the happiness we could share together if you didn’t flee the moment I attempted to approach.

There have been some moments where you allowed me to take a couple steps toward you — moments I fondly cherish. But just as my hopes began to rise, you slipped away, leaving me to wonder what I could possibly be doing wrong to deserve this.

What must I do to prove myself to you?

People have told me you’re toxic — a few years back, you caused a flea outbreak at Panther Village — but I think they just don’t understand the bond we share. Us residents have been informed repeatedly not to leave out food or water for you to enjoy, and it agonizes me to ponder where your next meal will come from, or if you sit around waiting for just one crumb, like I wait for a morsel of your love.

I am periodically awakened by scratches on my door or faint meowing in the distance, but it’s unclear whether you have finally arrived to confess your love or if the subconscious of my mind is projecting its desires in my sleepful state.

Two cats sit on a wall near the edge of the Panther Village property, looking down on residents passing by. Photo courtesy of Angelina Hicks

I know that being associated with you could be more harmful than hurtful, but that doesn’t stop me from dreaming about the life we could build together as the best of friends.

I’m not quite sure the exact number of you graceful felines that wander the grounds of Panther Village, but I long for the day I can approach just one of you for one short interaction. Even just a single moment would leave me abounding with happiness.

Once, I saw a small black cat lounging by the Panther Village pool as if nothing could go wrong in the world. I admired that sentiment, and joy sparked deep within me. My unrequited love story began, and I still believe, after all this time, we could be so much more.

We already both see Panther Village as a second home, and I see no reason to prevent our love to grow and blossom into a mutually beneficial relationship. I will commit myself to provide a plethora of toys, treats and anything else your feline hearts would ever desire. All I ask for in return is an opportunity for your companionship.

I beg of you, give me a chance for friendship. 

With love,

Angelina Hicks


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