Opinion | I believe the children are the future
Gracie Fleischman, Opinions Editor
Whether it was the firing of Rex Tillerson, yet another Secretary of State who left the administration, or the president’s idiotic idea of building a “space army,” this week was much like any other. But amid the usual failings of President Donald Trump and his White House, there is a bright light of hope: America’s youth.
Generation Z is killing the game. Lately, it seems that middle school- and high school-aged children are more competent than our adult leaders. After leading protests for the national school walkout March 14, kids all over the country – including hundreds at Chapman – showed the rest of the nation what it means to stand up for your rights.
The only thing as heartbreaking as innocent children being killed by gun violence is the sight of children protesting for their lives.
No child should ever have to walk out of school or hold signs begging for change in order to feel safe in school. The harsh reality of gun laws and gun violence should be left up to adults, but unfortunately, in the current state we live in, adults fail us.
One memorable sign read, “I should be writing my college essay, not my will,” and another, “I want to read books, not eulogies.”
When I see these photos, I think back to my days in elementary, middle and high school. I remember hearing about school shootings and being taught what to do in case of emergency. Between 2000 to 2010, there have been 28 school shootings and since 2013, there have been been an average of one a week, more than 300 in total.
You would think the frequency of school shootings would have numbed these kids, that they would be used to the violence. I grew up with Columbine and Sandy Hook as the backdrop to my educational experience, but I’ve never participated in a walkout.
I am proud to watch the next generation fight for what is right, and I feel privileged to learn from their bravery. We needed sensible gun reform a long time ago, but maybe now, with this newly sparked activist movement, actual change is in the near future.
Ban semi-automatic weapons and bump stocks. End loopholes that make it easy to buy guns. Implement strong background checks. The next generation has spoken and it’s time we listen.