The Panther Newspaper

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Opinion | BSFF to BSU: we hear you

We, the members of the Black Staff and Faculty Forum (BSFF), want to take this opportunity to acknowledge the work of the Black Student Union (BSU). It is difficult work you decided to take on and your dedication and drive were demonstrated repeatedly with your efforts. And while we are disheartened to learn of the resignation of the executive board, we understand the reasons behind your decision. We hear you. We appreciate you and the work you have done.

We also recognize that the issues Black students, faculty and staff continue to face are critically important to the current and future experiences of those we serve. We are committed to continuing to strive for better conditions and opportunities for our constituents and we want you to know that the BSFF is here to support Black students. We look forward to working with the next board of the BSU to help move the university forward on these important issues.

Good luck in your future endeavors. We wish you the best.

BSFF Executive Board Black Staff & Faculty Forum | Diversity & Inclusion

Keith Howard, PhD | Associate Professor

President, Black Staff & Faculty Forum

Associate Dean of Graduate Education and Academic Affairs

Attallah College of Educational Studies

Desirée Akasha Crèvecoeur-MacPhail, PhD “Dr. Desi” (she/her)

Vice President, Black Staff & Faculty Forum

Instructional Assistant Professor of Psychology

Crean College of Health and Behavioral Services

Tim Alexander, M.S. (he, him, his)

Secretary, Black Staff & Faculty Forum

Resident Director, Glass Hall

Residence Life and First-Year Experience

Emmanuel B. John, PT, DPT, PhD, MBA, MPH, FAHA, FIMC

Treasurer, Black Staff & Faculty Forum

Associate Professor & Chair

Department of Physical Therapy

Crean College of Health & Behavioral Sciences

Rinker Health Science Campus, Irvine, CA

Nicole Michel ’12 (M.A. ’21)

Director of Marketing and Events

Black Staff & Faculty Forum

Student Affairs Coordinator

School of Pharmacy