Opinion | Long day? ‘Legends of Tomorrow’
Watching the show “Legends of Tomorrow” has become a little bit of a tradition I have with my roommates. It is such a weirdly unique and positive show, and it’s so different from the darker shows I’m used to. Watching it has become one of my favorite things to do at the end of a long day. Illustration by YANA SAMOYLOVA, Illustrator
Every day, I get back home after school tired, hungry and just ready for the day to be over. But no matter how long my day was, there’s always time for “Legends of Tomorrow.”
Emilia Cuevas Diaz, Opinions Editor
Living off-campus with two of my friends this year has come with a whole set of new experiences. From carpooling to campus to weekend hangouts, all of the things we do together are forming new habits and traditions. And by far, one of my favorite new traditions I have with my roommates is sitting down after a long day to watch “Legends of Tomorrow” together.
It’s become a thing in our house.
Long day? “Legends of Tomorrow.” Need a break from homework? “Legends of Tomorrow.” Mad at life? “Legends of Tomorrow.”
“Legends of Tomorrow” is one of the DC universe shows that aired on The CW, and it’s part of the interconnected universe commonly known as Arrowverse. The show follows a group of misfits traveling through time fixing history, though most of the time they end up screwing it up even more.
If you’d asked me even just a couple months ago what I thought of the show, I probably would’ve told you that I didn’t like it that much. Sure, I watched it back in 2016 when it first came out and the Arrowverse was incredibly popular, but it wasn’t one of my favorites. I didn’t like the weird time travel logic the show has, and I never really got into the show that much.
But one of my roommates did. She absolutely loved the characters and the unique storylines of the show. And she’s defended it since the first time I met her. So at the beginning of the year, we decided to watch it together. And it just hit so differently from what I remember watching all the way back in middle school.
The characters were allowed to be optimistic and excited about their adventures. The typical unnecessary relationship drama that we usually see in shows was left aside for the sake of representing healthier relationships, both platonic and romantic. And none of that was ever at the expense of good storytelling.
“Legends of Tomorrow” felt like a breath of fresh air. Especially when you look at the popular shows we’re getting nowadays, they tend to have a darker, more realistic undertone to them. But the overall tone of “Legends of Tomorrow” is one of unique positivity.
I mean, there are very few shows I can think of that would turn a demon-possessed villain from one season into a fairy godmother who is part of the crew of heroes and do so in a way that feels natural and realistic to the characters.
It takes a special kind of quirky to have a murderous unicorn, marionette serial killer and a quasi therapy session with the bad guy all in the same show and not have the audience taken aback. I mean, this show is so weird that one of the plot lines in the finale was for the core cast to use their powers together to create a furby-like creature to hug a demon to death.
But it’s not just the fact that the show is so unique and good. Watching it with my roommates is something I will treasure forever, and I don’t think I would be enjoying the show without them.
“Legends of Tomorrow” is an objectively weird show, and it is amazing at it. But it asks you to meet it where it's at. You can’t enjoy the show if you’re not able to embrace the unusual positivity of it, and that is something that I sometimes struggle with.
I tend to approach things with a lot more cynicism and negativity, and I’ve noticed that when I’m left to watch it by myself, I have a harder time enjoying it. Having my roommates to share the show with allows me to let go of my skepticism and get fully into the spirit of intense friendliness that the show promotes.
“Legends of Tomorrow” has taught me so much already. But the thing I hope to always remember from watching it is to approach things with intentional positivity, rather than with cynicism, because so many things in life are better when you do.