Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | To mom, from your tender-headed child
Olivia Harden, Opinions Editor, writes a beautiful open letter to her mother in which she discusses their relationship and what it means to her.

Opinion | Self-care is the best care
Self-care should be a vital part of any college student’s weekly routine.

Opinion | Why don’t our peers understand racism?

Opinion | Hijabs, kufis and cultural appropriation
The Muslim Student Association held Hijab and Kufi Day on Feb. 23 in which students were encouraged to wear a hijab, or headscarf traditionally worn by women in the Muslim community, or a kufi, a cap worn by men, to experience what it is like to be a Muslim.

Opinion | We don’t belong in your spaces, so we create our own
Black people have often had to create their own spaces in this country because their accomplishments are generally not recognized by the general public

Opinion | All lives can’t matter until Black lives matter
I’ve never felt more uncomfortable on campus then I did Feb. 9. This was the day when the picture surfaced of the “All Lives Matter” flag posted over the Pan-African flag on campus.

Opinion | American liberty depends on the right to protest
Protest has been and always will be an important and valuable part of American history. Be a part of making that history with us.

Opinion | Thanks, Obama
I thank you, Obamas, for inspiring hope in little Black boys and girls everywhere that we can be successful.

Opinion | We are in dire need of a restructure
I can’t be the only one who originally thought that Donald Trump running for president was the title of an article by The Onion, but I was wrong.

Opinion | Sometimes it’s hard to look like me at Chapman
It can be a roller coaster to be a student of color at Chapman. Some days are easier than others depending on the news, pop culture and personal experiences.

Letter to the editor: A clarification of cultural terms

Opinion | $300 gesture offends working students

Opinion | Chapman’s empathy gap

Opinion | Don’t forget about the real issues