Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | Anti-racism crash-course you didn’t know you needed
You may be asking yourself, “Why does everything always have to be about race?” It is easy to forget about racism when it doesn’t disadvantage you.

Editorial | It’s me, the fly
Record scratch. Freeze frame. Yup, that’s me: the fly. You’re probably wondering how I ended up in this situation.

Opinion | A love letter to movie theaters
Films have always offered a vehicle of escape from reality. Walking to your living room where you’ve been all year doesn't have quite the same effect.

Opinion | Winning the day
I’m officially done with this hellscape of a semester. I don’t think I’m alone in this feeling.

Opinion | Taking a break to get ahead
Hearing the words “gap year” is a dreaded phrase to many parents and students alike. However, college absolutely isn’t a one-size-fits-all experience.

Opinion | We need to lean into identity politics
As a country going through a racial reckoning and mass civil unrest, we should be leaning into the fact that issues surrounding civil rights affect us all.

Editorial | When COVID-19 is treated like a game
To address the elephant in the room: President Donald Trump has COVID-19. If there’s anything to be shocked by, it’s that he didn’t catch the coronavirus sooner.

Opinion | Corrupt systems can’t define self-worth
Money is a huge deciding factor when planning for college, but it looks like money can also be a huge deciding factor for the colleges themselves.

Opinion | Hold your horses on campus return
Put the eagerness on pause and reconsider the idea of returning to campus for a time when safety is a guarantee, not a coin toss.

Opinion | The Student Academy Awards rekindled my lost dreams
My last two years in college were plagued with self-doubt. But my thesis film “Incognito” brought my confidence back.

Opinion | Foreign education investment is key to ending world violence
The dissolution of educational investment programs will create an environment for violence, hatred and suffering around the world.

Editorial | Ginsburg deserved more
“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed," Ginsburg said. Her dying wish was shredded and tossed out like end-of-the-week trash.

Opinion | I might be too old for TikTok
I almost miss the simplicity of managing one social media platform. Now as an adult, I’m overwhelmed with the amount of content social media offers and I can’t even begin to understand how to create a TikTok.

Opinion | Standing with students of color
Offering support and encouragement needs to be a daily practice for all of us, particularly white people … Doing nothing is unacceptable.
Opinion | Tech giants have their work cut out for them
Constantly staring at our screens, social media contradicts itself in that we feel more alone and isolated the longer we use it.

Opinion | A message to white allies: educate, don’t just cancel
There’s a strong difference between “cancelling” someone for an offensive joke and being anti-racist.

Editorial | Black Lives Matter is not a trend
The negative side to digital activism is that social media is all about trends, whereas fighting for human rights is not. We cannot reduce decades of work to one hashtag or hundreds of black squares.

Poem | The pain my ancestors felt
We’re not too far removed from the Jim Crow South.

Opinion | They don’t really care about us
As we held our posters high, pleading for every human with a soul to hear our cries and listen to our messages, every person seated outside pretended we didn’t exist. In the year 2020, our Black lives still don’t matter.

Opinion | A socially distant Emmys season saw record BIPOC nominations
Being online isn’t the only thing that felt different about the 2020 Emmy program. This year saw a sizable increase in Black nominations; out of the 102 acting nominations, 34.3% were Black.