Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.
The cycle of progress and backlash
Why attacks on diversity, equity and inclusion mirror America’s history of suppressing Black success
Opinion | Rebellion is key in a time of political submission
How can a democracy survive when you can’t challenge those in power?
Finding my place: Navigating feminism as a woman of color
Feminism claims to fight for all women, but does it include women like me?
OPINION: Chapman Outdoors Club advocates for national park rangers
The Chapman Outdoors Club comments on government budget cuts in national parks and how this impacts the future of club activities and the value of their profession
Libraries are being locked up in Orange
Funding cuts threaten the future of Orange’s libraries, but community action can help preserve these vital institutions.
Opinion | Trump’s decision to handpick reporters sets a dangerous precedent
A journalist’s thoughts on the White House’s new stance on press pools.
Breaking into the “Dodge bubble:” A film guide for non-majors
Tips and tricks for breaking into filmmaking at Chapman University, no matter the experience.
Opinion | The Musk salute was a test, America failed
Musk’s salute is the most prominent symptom of the disaster that the Trump administration will be.
Thinking about life after graduation
Common feelings, resources and personal reflections on being a second-semester senior and planning for the future.
Opinion | Is Valentine's Day just a Hallmark holiday?
Happy Valentine’s, happy Galentine’s and even happy Malentine’s — as long as it’s happy.
School of Communication students would benefit from Wilkinson College merger
An online petition siding against the merger fails to acknowledge the School of Communication’s need for strong leadership and increased resources
The holiday debate: When is it too soon to decorate for Christmas?
Maybe it's never too early to deck the halls
Women’s authority in the church
Religion is often perceived as oppressive to women. However, the Bible is brimming with stories of powerful female leaders who defy this narrative. Churches which perpetuate misogyny stand in direct opposition to the Bible, and their actions are not representative of actual Christianity.
Opinion | Is this really the Panther Experience?
The university’s recently released Panther Experience Challenge sets forth a list of activities vital to a proper Chapman journey, but is this really all it takes?
An administratively sound argument for the Chapman Clothesline Project
This is an issue that affects every single one of us, and the upcoming election is going to determine how much longer we will let this epidemic continue.
Opinion | Fake News: No, the Pentagon did not authorize lethal force against protesters
Claims of a Department of Defense directive permitting the use of lethal force against civilians spread rapidly online.
We can’t ignore the role race had in the election
Race has been a key issue for voters for decades. This year wasn’t an exception.
Opinion | Gun violence is coming for us all
This is an issue that affects every single one of us, and the upcoming election is going to determine how much longer we will let this epidemic continue.
‘Mexico elected its first female president, we can too’
As the elections draw closer, I keep hearing people talking about how Mexico elected its first female president, and how the U.S. can do the same. And honestly, I'm frustrated.
Opinion | Prop 36 is a step backwards
A vote for this proposition is a vote for overcrowded prisons and the criminalization of being poor.