Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | Faculty member responds to anti-Asian violence, discrimination
The suffering caused by all forms of discrimination is palpable, the harm evident and multi-generational. Use your education, your promise and your energy to build a better future.

Editorial | Reflecting on the Atlanta shooting
We’ve reached out to members of the AAPI community and those standing in solidarity to capture the true weight of this incident.

Opinion | Navigating my life around the male gaze
I still cannot shake the thought in the back of my mind that anytime I go somewhere alone, I am putting myself in danger.

Opinion | APSA condemns AAPI violence
The AAPI community has always been the target of xenophobic and racist violence and marginalization in America.

Opinion | Existing in spaces not built for me
Although ableism still trickles in from colleagues, peers and instructors, I have become empowered by disability justice and interdependence.

Opinion | A year of COVID-19 proves it’s time for Medicare-for-all
We must demand Congress and the Biden administration to pass the Medicare-for-all Act.

Opinion | Let’s call transphobia what it is: transphobic
I find myself constantly and remarkably amazed how white, cis-gendered men feel the need to “mansplain” gender studies to me.

Opinion | Redefining Hollywood at the Dodge College of Film and Media Arts
Dodge College has a duty to empower its students within every classroom to be the changemakers the industry needs.

Opinion | A resignation from BSU’s executive members
We are tired of doing things for Chapman University, just to have our initiatives be met with challenges and roadblocks at every turn.

Editorial | Our first day back
If our community works together maybe this can really work. Maybe we can recapture that elementary school giddiness once again.

Opinion | Reflecting on my year with COVID-19
It’s been a full year now since classes first shut down due to COVID-19. The pandemic undoubtedly changed everyone.

Opinion | Maybe Chapman wasn’t the right choice, but that’s OK
There’s no reason for me to go to a private university during this time. But now it’s too late.

Opinion | 16 easy steps to grow your hair out during a pandemic
Relish in the fact that you now have long hair. Not even a pandemic can stop you now.

Opinion | Behind the screens: why it’s necessary to return to in-person classes
Students at Dodge College anxiously await the return to campus. Classes are challenging and disappointing in a remote setting.

Opinion | Chapman’s other plague preventing a successful campus return: entitlement
Until students decide that the thrill of cocking the gun isn’t worth the price of the shrapnel, it’s better to just not play the game at all.

Opinion | Reflecting on a pandemic graduation
The class of 2020 ended our college experience online. What once was an exciting finish line became a peripheral uncertainty.

Opinion | Why we need to continue to be cautious
We need to listen to the experts and continue to follow their guidelines until we are told it is safe to do otherwise.

Opinion | Why sometimes working the job you hate is a necessary evil
At the end of the day, I have to keep working for the dictator, because in times like these, I just really need the job.

Editorial | The Panther’s top 9 outdoor, midterm study spaces
Follow our lead as our editors pick out their favorite spots around Orange County to boost your serotonin for the week.

Opinion | Entering the ‘wedding phase’ of young adulthood
I’ve gotten to the point where I could be cast in a romantic comedy as the girl who “hates weddings” but is reminded that love awaits her.