Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.
Opinion | A student’s guide to puppy ownership
In the beginning of July, I spontaneously drove three and a half hours with a friend to a tiny rural town to pick up and adopt Winnie at 8-weeks-old.
Opinion | Meditations on snorkeling
Beneath the waves of the Pacific Ocean, there exists a primordial realm so foreign and complex that one must see it to believe it.
Editorial | Maturity invokes need to reconnect with your inner child
Amid a pandemic that has forced us to mature at an expedited rate, it is of increasing importance that we do not lose sight of the passions, the fears, the desires and the optimism that characterized our younger years.
Opinion | A letter from the Provost
I would like to take this opportunity to call on the entire Chapman community to ensure the continuation of face-to-face learning.
Opinion | Passing the time
Regardless of how resolute I feel in my refusal to allow another semester to drift away, I have grown accustomed to monotony. As the novelty of returning to campus fades into normalcy, I can feel its grip tightening once again. Let’s hope this year is different.
Editorial | Power to the people: California voters have direct influence over recall election turnout
California Governor Gavin Newsom faces off against 46 opponents in the state’s 2021 gubernatorial recall election, where turnout will be determined by popular vote.
Opinion | Swimming back to shore
On June 13, my dad and I went out for an open water swim — a tradition we’ve shared during each visit to the island. The beach was more eerie than usual that morning.
Editorial | Returning to campus, but not normalcy
Despite the excitement of returning to the traditional college experience, the fear of contracting COVID-19 and transmitting the virus to others remains ever-present.
Opinion | Estorerics under capitalism
The media landscape is heavily oversaturated as a result of late-stage capitalism, to the point where society is almost constantly exposed to all kinds of content.
Opinion | My first real day on campus
My college experience finally feels like it has begun as I walk through the crowded Attallah Piazza, eating a sandwich from SubConnection between classes.
Opinion | Facing our harsh reality
The threat of climate change has been hanging over humanity’s head like the proverbial sword of Damocles for several decades, and we are already beginning to face the effects.
Editorial | The Panther’s farewell to the academic year
This year has been crazy. And what’s crazier is being tasked with reporting on the crazy.
Opinion | One surprising thing I will miss most about Chapman
My last class of senior year, coincidentally, took place in the same room I first entered in Dodge College. My time here was tied up in a bow like the end of a good movie.
Opinion | Students reflect on academic year of COVID-19 restrictions
The Panther reached out to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors to gather their reflections on this past academic year. Here are their responses.
Opinion | Am I ready to be an RA?
As my freshman year wraps up, so many questions circle my brain as I prepare to take on this new role as a resident adviser.
Opinion | Dear Chapman, where can I live?
Now that the pandemic is coming to an end (knock on wood), where did Chapman leave its students with its housing crisis?
Opinion | “The Loves of Our Lives”: A year in the making
Amid the pandemic, I dedicated more time toward my writing. I published the literary fiction novel, “The Loves of Our Lives” on May 1.
Opinion | Dreaming of normal college experience
Looking back to the beginning of my high school journey, I never would have thought I would end up attending Chapman.
Editorial | Combating notification fatigue
Now that much of our lives have been brought to our homes, we now have this constant urge to keep working all the time simply because we can.
Opinion | Movie theater closures simulate loss of humanity
Movies have the power to transport us to other worlds. I can’t help but feel like this magic is slowly slipping away from us.