Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | Art attack or planet protection?
Climate activists have been condemned for attacking art pieces around the world to bring attention to climate change, but are they justified in how they are protesting climate inaction?
Opinion | Discovering who you are: college edition
Growing up and figuring out who you are is a lot more complicated than the movies make it out to be.

Opinion | My experience as a 16-year-old stand-up comedian
Chapman student Jack Fischer details what it was like to work as a stand-up comic in high school and his experience meeting ‘The Goldbergs’ actor Jeff Garlin at a show.

Opinion | Celebrating death on Día de los Muertos
What happens to us after we die? Realistically speaking, there is a scientific answer to that question as far as the body is concerned. The Day of the Dead is my favorite holiday because it helps me embrace and appreciate all aspects of life.

Opinion | Nothing is as it once was, or ever will be again
Reflecting on watching how Erie, Pennsylvania changed while growing up.

Opinion | My experience at the Latino Media Fest
Attending the Latino Media Fest was an eye-opening experience that shows how there’s more than one way to make your way in the entertainment industry.

Opinion | San Diego’s official apology for WWII incarceration is overdue, but worthwhile
The city of San Diego officially apologized for supporting the incarceration of Japanese Americans during World War II, bringing up the question of why now.

Opinion | Analyzing and reflecting on Halloween’s origins, traditions
Diving into the origins of Halloween and reflecting back on memories and traditions during this time of year

Opinion | Is feminism dead?
When examining the recent iterations of the feminist movement, I’m hesitant of what comes next in the advancement of women’s rights.

Opinion | He loves me, he loves me not
How I have gone through the process of wrestling with a breakup, through the five stages of grief.

Opinion | Rediscovering my love for TV, even when I doubt myself
Sometimes when we have doubts we need a reminder of why we love what we’re studying. For me, that reminder came while watching the “Running Up That Hill” scene in “Stranger Things.”

Opinion | From the EIC: The Panther, reimagined
The creation of an ethics, policies and procedures page was meant to increase transparency and created a streamlined method to address questions and concerns.

Opinion | Reflecting on ‘City of God’ screening and Fernando Meirelles masterclass
A Film Student reflects on the City of God screening and director Fernando Meirelles masterclass with an interview by Dean Steven Galloway.

Opinion | Finding a community away from home
Coming to Chapman from Mexico has brought challenges and rewards of looking for a community away from home for Emilia Cuevas Diaz.

Opinion | From the EIC: formally introducing The Panther’s ethics, policies and procedures
The creation of an ethics, policies and procedures page was meant to increase transparency and created a streamlined method to address questions and concerns.

Opinion | Don’t censor student journalists
The recent incidents of student journalism censorship are unacceptable, especially for a country that has an amendment in place to prevent censorship of journalists.

Opinion | From the EIC: reflecting on my 10 weeks with the San Diego Union-Tribune
It was my dream internship. The best opportunity I could have conjured. There was nothing I wanted to do more over the summer than to write for the San Diego Union-Tribune, the newspaper of record located in the city I grew up in and where I was already planning to be for the summer.

Opinion | My body, but not my choice
Pro-choice legislation is in jeopardy as a shocking Supreme Court leaked document threatens to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Opinion | New Doctor Strange film shows Marvel's struggle to meet its peak
A film student discusses visuals, runtime and the Marvel formula in this spoiler-free review of “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.”

Opinion | My breakup letter with Chapman University
It’s time to say goodbye, Chapman. Let me start by saying it’s not you. It’s me.