Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?

Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at

Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | My birth control is none of your business
Olivia Harden Olivia Harden

Opinion | My birth control is none of your business

Women’s reproductive health has always been a hot topic of public discussion, despite the subject being extremely personal. A woman’s decision about using birth control is really no one else’s business.

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Opinion | New restroom, same problems
Olivia Harden Olivia Harden

Opinion | New restroom, same problems

On Sept. 11, Dean of Students Jerry Price announced in his weekly email the installment of a new single-user gender inclusive restroom on the first floor of Argyros Forum.

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Opinion | The risk of early decision
Olivia Harden Olivia Harden

Opinion | The risk of early decision

An early decision applicant in high school must be a special kind of senior, one who is confident in his or her choice of school and is financially able to afford it.

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Opinion | On reclaiming my time
Olivia Harden Olivia Harden

Opinion | On reclaiming my time

It is invaluable to take your power back, because in the end, redirecting that energy toward something productive is essential to progress.

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Opinion | The power of femme friendships
Olivia Harden Olivia Harden

Opinion | The power of femme friendships

A femme is a person who may display feminine qualities. It’s an all-encompassing word that includes men, women, gender-fluid and nonbinary identifying individuals.

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Opinion | The Cross-Cultural Center is a success
Olivia Harden Olivia Harden

Opinion | The Cross-Cultural Center is a success

It’s difficult for me to live in a world like this. I often feel that it’s easier to desensitize myself to all of it. The Cross-Cultural Center has given me a space where I want to have these difficult conversations.

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