Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | I’m tired of reading the news
Politics truly exhaust me. So much so that I actively avoid the news. But I also feel a lot of guilt when I don’t know what’s going on in the world.

Editorial | Navigating the climate
You can imagine the disbelief on our faces when we received notifications Thursday afternoon that revealed a situation some thought was bound to happen; there was an impeachment inquiry being launched against Donald Trump.

Opinion | The truth about plastic straws
I don’t want to discredit and discourage those who are giving up straws – it’s a worthy gesture that no doubt has a positive impact on the environment. My concern is that people will think that small change is enough to make a difference.

Opinion | ‘You would be so pretty if you smiled more’
I’ve heard it all over the years, from people saying, “You would be so pretty if you smiled more,” and “I thought you were mean until I got to know you” to almost getting fired because my boss thought I didn’t look chipper enough while dusting coffee mugs.

Opinion | How a road trip became the coolest thing I’ve ever done
Over the summer, I took a road trip to Utah’s Zion National Park with friends from high school. Not only did the five days in the uncultivated nature allow us to reconnect, but it gave me a chance to disconnect from preconceived notions of myself.

Opinion | The problem with complaining culture
The threat of midterms and major project deadlines are beginning to loom over Chapman’s 78 acre-wide campus. Everyone is slowly starting to panic and we all know that anxiety’s favorite hobby is complaining.

Editorial | Why we chose “The Best of Orange”
Although we usually report on topics affecting Chapman and Orange County, we wanted to take the time to acknowledge Orange for what it offers. We want to highlight the things that make this area wonderful.

Opinion | The thing I hate about Orange
There’s one thing I hate about Orange that hasn’t changed since I got here: getting around. Going from point A to point B. Parking. Anything that includes movement throughout the city of Orange is an absolute pain and I’m tired of it.

Opinion | The merits of making coffee at home
Two-hundred and fifty dollars. That’s how much money I was spending on coffee every month, totaling up to $3,000 a year.

Opinion | Confessions of a tall girl
For all the things my height brought me, I love it. For all the times I felt big, unlovable, uncomfortable, I love it for teaching me how to be strong.

Opinion | From ‘beerbongs’ to ‘bleeding’: growing up with Post Malone
The first time I listened to Post Malone’s album “beerbongs & bentleys” was in my senior year of high school, when time didn’t move linearly but in strange loops that gave us shrouds of invincibility.

Editorial | Unprecedented Territory
Our Sunday morning Sept. 15 began with a text message, telling our staff a story we’ve heard far too many times this semester: white-supremacists are on our campus.

Opinion | The “significance” of Greek life
Maybe I’m frustrated with how excluded the Greek life system has made some students feel. Maybe I’m just upset that Chapman lied about how significant it is on campus. Maybe I think the entire Greek life system is alienating students who don’t join.

Opinion | It’s more than just short hair
The question I get asked the most is not about my job, not about my work at Los Angeles Magazine, not about my senior thesis or graduate school, but about something far more trivial: my hair.

Opinion | Making the first move: a cost-benefit analysis of a recent rejectee
Vulnerability does not equate weakness. What it does equate to is sensibility, trust and the courage to be able to put yourself out there knowing fair well you can be 100 percent, flat-out, utterly rejected.

Opinion | I don’t want to think about my ex-boyfriend
It doesn’t make you weak to think about your old relationships, especially when they can often teach you so much about yourself.

Opinion | Why can’t horror movies be more fun?
I want to watch fun horror movies, movies that relish in the silliness of their plots, are self-aware and can make viewers scream and laugh at any point.

Editorial | Please communicate, Lisa Sparks
You’d think that Chapman’s dean for the School of Communication would do a better job at simply communicating.

Opinion | Unpaid internships are a privilege
As I sat among my fellow Panthers this past week, I anxiously awaited the question some of us dread: “What did you do over the summer?”

Opinion | The ethics of doing laundry in the dorms
I’ve spent several hours in the hallowed halls of the Henley basement amongst the orphaned, dust-covered socks while engaging in this painful laundry process, becoming too familiar with the tumultuous rumble of machinery.