Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | The underrated beauty of the aisle seat
There’s one question regarding airplane transportation that doesn’t get as much attention as it should: What seat should you book on your flight?
The answer will always be the aisle seat.

Opinion | How perspective, not just opinion, drives political involvement

Editorial | Let’s recap
From the revelations we discovered, the apologies we received and national media attention garnered because of the Bush event, we wanted to take the time to regroup and reflect. Why was keeping The Panther out of the Bush event a problem in the first place?

Opinion | The beauty of going home
College is a time where we’re able to spread our wings, make new friends and learn how to live on our own as real-life adults. Why not offset that stress by packing a duffel bag and spending some time away from it all?

Opinion | Chapman’s PR needs better PR
In this case, Chapman’s move to cut off press to an event (PR 201: transparency is everything) had the opposite effect, damaging the university’s reputation rather than preserving it.

Opinion | Let’s stop pretending there is a correct way to go to college
There is no right way to be a student at Chapman. There isn’t a pre-existing checklist created saying how many internships, involvements or friends you need to have in order to achieve perfect happiness and social capital – but still, many people strive to check each indefinable, invisible box.

Opinion | We were wrong and we apologize
As the readers of The Panther have seen, the university has not upheld its free speech values in the recent interaction with The Panther.

Editorial | Misled by our leaders
It’s no longer news that The Panther was restricted from attending the George W. Bush event last week. What is news, however, is who put conditions on our attendance and coverage.

Opinion | It has been a journey
What I didn’t expect when I started working for The Panther, what I couldn’t have imagined when we published our first issue this semester, was the unwillingness of Chapman to work with us.

Opinion | The study abroad dilemma: twin sisters discuss their differences
Twins Natalie and Angela van Winden debate whether returned study abroad students are justified or pretentious.

Opinion | Finding magic in adulthood
When I was a kid, I viewed adulthood as the bitter end to all things good and wonderful. For me, adulthood meant the end of childhood dreaming. It marked the end of that sense of wonder that permeated every aspect of my life.

Opinion | You can love your country and critique it too

Editorial | Why we said no
We were allowed access to the Oct. 9 George W. Bush event. But before we could publish the story, we had to send it to the Bush team for final approval. Words cannot begin to describe how unethical this is.

Opinion | Ellen forgave Bush but we shouldn’t
What are the odds that the day before former President George W. Bush is scheduled to speak on campus, he finds himself at the center of attention for hanging out with Ellen at a football game.

Opinion | To all the bullies on social media
I see every Facebook reaction, read every comment and track every mention. A majority of the interaction and recognition we receive on social media is negative. And it’s so hard for me to not take it personally.

Opinion | How “Schitt’s Creek” changed my view on current sitcoms
While I tend to be disappointed that my friends have no desire to watch “Schitt’s Creek,” I’m not surprised – I was in that same boat up until a few months ago.

Editorial | Smoke and mirrors
It sounded like something straight out of a comedy film: the President of the United States had tweeted a Nickelback meme video on Twitter.

Opinion | I have an irrational fear of drinking
The transition from high school to college was already difficult enough. Now try adding in the fact that I’d never even seen alcohol in-person before I came to Chapman.

Opinion | I can’t bring myself to watch anything but “Friends”
Nine times out of 10, I will revert back to my comfortable place: Monica and Rachel’s apartment. Yes, I am one of the many out there who constantly goes back to watching “Friends,” even though there are about a million other titles to choose from.

Opinion | “Rambo” and the aging movie star
The movie star is immortal; they are never really gone, always resurrected time and time again with every appearance on the silver screen.