Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?

Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at

Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | Having a professor as a parent
Micaela Bastianelli Micaela Bastianelli

Opinion | Having a professor as a parent

Not only did I decide to stay local, I chose to attend Chapman, the university my father is a professor at, so I could continue feeling comfortable and secure with his close presence.

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Opinion | Leave North Morlan alone
The Panther Staff The Panther Staff

Opinion | Leave North Morlan alone

Living in the North Morlan Residence Hall (NoMo) made us the people we are today. If it weren’t for the white-washed concrete walls, questionable carpet stains and generally haunted atmosphere of NoMo, we genuinely don’t know who we would be.

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Opinion | Fixing the Grammys
Luca Evans Luca Evans

Opinion | Fixing the Grammys

It’s disappointing to see rap marginalized by the most prominent music awards in the United States – especially when much of the genre’s popularity this past year has been measurably equal or better than that of its companions in rhythm and blues, pop and rock. 

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Editorial | Why we’re glad Sanders spoke
The Editorial Board The Editorial Board

Editorial | Why we’re glad Sanders spoke

As much as we disagree with some of the past sentiments expressed by Sanders, we understand that it’s absolutely necessary to encourage critical dialogue on college campuses.

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Opinion | I will never enjoy group projects
Zach Davis Zach Davis

Opinion | I will never enjoy group projects

Maybe someday I’ll learn to let go and let others take the reins. Maybe someday I’ll feel comfortable submitting B+ work. Call me a control freak, but that’s why I hate group projects.

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Opinion | To whoever needs to hear this: Get off your phone
Jasmin Sani Jasmin Sani

Opinion | To whoever needs to hear this: Get off your phone

Pulling out your camera to snap some pictures is fair game. But don’t ruin it for yourself by having your phone out for 80 percent of the night, favoring a low-quality video that you can instead easily find on YouTube in a 30-second search.

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Editorial | Re: Lisa Sparks
The Editorial Board The Editorial Board

Editorial | Re: Lisa Sparks

To the Chapman Community,

There are so many things wrong in Lisa Sparks’ email, that it is difficult to know where to begin. We will try to do this in some order

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Opinion | A single child’s shoe: story not statistic
Guest Columnist Guest Columnist

Opinion | A single child’s shoe: story not statistic

For those of you who have yet to visit the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., and would like to engage with this history here at Chapman, I invite you to visit the Sala and Aron Samueli Holocaust Memorial Library on the fourth floor of the Leatherby Libraries.

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Opinion | The Holocaust is more than a statistic
Louisa Marshall Louisa Marshall

Opinion | The Holocaust is more than a statistic

Piles of shoes. That’s what made me cry. Not the photographs of the ghettos, not the video footage of people being shoved into railway cars, not even the diagram of people being led to the gas chambers. Shoes.

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Opinion | I have a rational fear of driving
Micaela Bastianelli Micaela Bastianelli

Opinion | I have a rational fear of driving

Whenever I’m required to drive myself somewhere, my entire mood shifts. My heart beats fast, I sweat profusely and the simple thought of being behind the wheel makes me want to cry. 

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