Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.
Opinion | Armenian Referendum on American Government
With thousands dead, people must care about the Armenian struggle for liberty.
Opinion | Biden’s slim victory is a wake-up call for Democratic leadership
It is our job to challenge the Biden administration to make sure his successor is nothing like Donald Trump.
Opinion | Kamala Harris’ election restores some faith
Vice President-elect Kamala Harris embodies many firsts for America: first female, Black and South Asian vice president.
Opinion | Don’t ‘STOP THE COUNT’
We’re going to call the election the right way – not Trump’s way – no matter how many days of counting it takes. Everyone's voice must be heard.
Opinion | South Asians make lasting impact on American politics
As South Asian representation in public office continues to grow, we will continue to see our community’s issues brought to light.
Opinion | From apolitical to angry
I sit here, still refreshing for election updates and I can’t help but think there could be four more years of this. I no longer have the choice to be apolitical.
Opinion | Vote, but don’t vote third party
Third-party candidates split the votes. When an election is this close and when there are crucial human rights at stake, there is no room to vote for a third party.
Opinion | Vote
Political parties in power rotate; beliefs change; opinions transform; but voting is a constant in your civic engagement.
Editorial | Halloween shouldn’t have been an excuse to party
Whether you like it or not, this virus isn’t going to magically disappear. We have to be better about slowing the spread.
Opinion | On the road again
My family bought a vintage RV trailer so we could hit the road and travel without risking coming into contact with anyone.
Opinion | Sexism inherent in Trump campaign
Though the residue of the patriarchy is an inescapable facet of day-to-day life, our country’s politicians should be held to a certain standard.
Opinion | Flag wars: symbols of undying support
“Flag wars” suggest a comparison to Nazi Germany that makes me wonder whether America will continue to follow in that rhetoric’s footsteps.
Editorial | Why debate?
As far as we can see, debates don't seem to accomplish anything. Its only function is to widen an ever-increasing partisan gap.
Opinion | Don’t ignore stage IV
No amount of “I love boobies” wristbands or “Save the ta-tas” T-shirts can do anything for cancer patients who’ve fought decades-long battles.
Opinion | Contracting COVID-19: a review
Last week, like over 214,000 other college students, I contracted the coronavirus. Just because I was asymptomatic doesn’t mean you will be.
Opinion | Can you be friends with a Trump supporter?
In short, probably. But I just can’t do it.
Opinion | Dear fellow Christians
Can a so-called conservative Christian not vote for a Democratic candidate or support a more liberal policy and vice versa? We must break out of this dichotomy.
Editorial | Pump the brakes on campus return
Our concern is not the school itself. It’s what students do outside of the classroom. Some people just aren’t taking COVID-19 seriously enough.
Opinion | Don’t give up on voting
When it comes to voting, you’re being given the option to have a voice: use it.
Opinion | ‘Where’s Dodo?’
On Oct. 5, my grandmother Dorothy Parise, “Dodo,” passed away in her sleep. This is a tribute to her.