Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.
Opinion | If you say “I don’t trust the media,” I don’t trust you
If you’re someone who don’t trust “the media,” I’d argue the problem isn’t with “the media” – it’s with you. Specifically, you’re being lazy.
Opinion | Lonely or just alone?
As much as I’d love to say I’ve always been comfortable being alone, the truth is, I haven’t.
Editorial | Dear Santa
Here are some of our holiday wishes; maybe we’ll receive the sort of Christmas miracle we hear about in the movies.
Opinion | ‘Twas a month before 2021
And standing six feet apart or more, Maybe next year we’ll invite friends to the door; I’ll spring onto Zoom, to call friends and family afar; Then our spirits lifted, that no quarantine could bar.
Opinion | Growing environmental apathy during the holiday season
Parallels can be drawn in Christmas tree purchasing and the similar buy-and-sell antics during the alleged season of giving.
Opinion | Struppa stoops: When protecting our community takes a backseat
I, for one, will not be returning to Chapman this spring if instruction is in person. Granted, my degree is worth a lot, but it's not worth a life.
Opinion | Our education is our responsibility
(Classrooms are) where innovation happens. Free and open discussion is the cornerstone of all progress … Online learning severely inhibits that discussion.
Opinion | COVID-19’s love handles
During the COVID-19 era, we can rebuild ourselves from the inside out. We can develop new cooking skills, explore new foods (and) plan meals.
Editorial | A slice of COVID-19 with your turkey?
The virus won’t stop for you. The virus won’t stop for your family. And the virus sure as hell won’t stop for the holiday season.
Opinion | I wasn’t properly taught the truth behind Thanksgiving
Just because we cherish this holiday doesn’t mean we should ignore the past.
Opinion | You can’t claim voter fraud just because you’re losing
Trump’s allegations are a last-ditch attempt to undermine democracy. I can’t imagine taking anyone less seriously.
Opinion | Accidentally turning a quarantine coping mechanism into a small business
For now, it’s something I genuinely love doing. Only time will tell where it goes from here.
Opinion | The struggle is real, so build a wellness routine toolbox
Psychologists have developed an arsenal of techniques to help us through difficult times. Here are three approaches.
Editorial | The complexities of the American flag
America has let down its flag. What was once a symbol of perseverance and justice has since been clouded.
Opinion | Something isn’t clicking
Some people float through life somehow unscathed by COVID-19. Now is not the time to cut corners.
Opinion | Detoxing as a modern day patent medicine
The practice of perpetuating dangerously false and expensive medical treatments is still alive and well.
Opinion | Politicians are simply opportunists
We cannot allow politicians to exploit circumstances. The possibility for radical change begins in January 2021.
Opinion | This was not the victory we needed
I’m proud we won. But this is by no means the end to activism. If anything, this should wake up Democrats.
Opinion | Reflection from a first-time phone banker
Each time I called, I was overwhelmed by the sense that I was a part of something bigger.
Editorial | We’re tired
We feel like we’re living through the “This is fine” meme, except we are most certainly not fine. We’re so tired.