Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?

Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at

Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | Life at the ‘Booffet’
Guest Columnist Guest Columnist

Opinion | Life at the ‘Booffet’

The park’s annual Halloween event reimagines the friendly lanes of Camp Snoopy, Ghost Town, Fiesta Village, Boardwalk and Charleston Square dressed up with gruesome decorations and populated with monsters.

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Editorial | Blowing off steam
The Editorial Board The Editorial Board

Editorial | Blowing off steam

Physically expressing one’s negative feelings can be of great benefit where words fail, as our editorial board came to find out through a kickboxing class at a local Ultimate Fighting Championship gym.

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Opinion | In defense of Panther Village
Guest Columnist Guest Columnist

Opinion | In defense of Panther Village

Panther Village has always been treated as the ugly stepchild of Chapman housing ー especially compared to the glossy living spaces of its newer counterpart, Chapman Grand Apartments.

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