Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?

Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at

Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | How to watch the news without feeling overwhelmed
Emilia Cuevas Diaz Emilia Cuevas Diaz

Opinion | How to watch the news without feeling overwhelmed

Watching the news can be exhausting. We get so much bad news on a daily basis that it’s easy to get overwhelmed and desensitized. But there has to be a way to watch the news and not go on a downward spiral of doom, right? There has to be a way to stay informed and not feel completely hopeless.

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Opinion | Long day? ‘Legends of Tomorrow’
Emilia Cuevas Diaz Emilia Cuevas Diaz

Opinion | Long day? ‘Legends of Tomorrow’

Watching the show “Legends of Tomorrow” has become a little bit of a tradition I have with my roommates. It is such a weirdly unique and positive show, and it’s so different from the darker shows I’m used to. Watching it has become one of my favorite things to do at the end of a long day.

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Opinion | The privilege of not caring
Emilia Cuevas Diaz Emilia Cuevas Diaz

Opinion | The privilege of not caring

For me, caring or not caring about politics was never really a choice. Growing up, it became very clear, very fast that no matter what, my rights were going to be up for debate. I never had the privilege of being able to just not care about politics.

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Opinion | Latina, Latinx, Latine…
Emilia Cuevas Diaz Emilia Cuevas Diaz

Opinion | Latina, Latinx, Latine…

The term Latinx is used as a gender-neutral alternative for the terms Latino/Latina to represent the community from Latin American descent. However, this term is not really embraced by the community, so should we actually be using it?

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Opinion | Greek wanderlust
Emilia Cuevas Diaz Emilia Cuevas Diaz

Opinion | Greek wanderlust

Over the summer, I went to Greece with my family, and I loved the whole experience. From the ocean, to the food, to the views, everything in Greece just made me excited to be there.

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Opinion | Women’s sports don't matter, right?
Emilia Cuevas Diaz Emilia Cuevas Diaz

Opinion | Women’s sports don't matter, right?

Women’s soccer is a microcosm of bigger social issues that women face all over the world, and it recently came under the microscope after the head of the Royal Spanish Football Federation kissed one of the players during the medal ceremony.

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Opinion | I used to dance in the rain
Emilia Cuevas Diaz Emilia Cuevas Diaz

Opinion | I used to dance in the rain

When I was little, I enjoyed dancing in the rain, until being a responsible adult got in the way of it. But maybe it didn’t have to. And maybe dancing in the rain is more important than I thought.

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Opinion | 474 and counting
Emilia Cuevas Diaz Emilia Cuevas Diaz

Opinion | 474 and counting

In 2023, we have seen a rise in anti-queer legislation in multiple states across the U.S. This is a serious problem and we need to talk about what’s going on and acknowledge how bad it’s getting, particularly for trans people.

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