Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | AC/DC and the complexities of nostalgia
AC/DC’s 50th anniversary reissue of some of their most iconic albums proves that nostalgia is a powerful and complex force in the music industry.

Opinion | The cost of our joy was their trauma
In recent years, many child actors have spoken out on their experiences struggling with fame and everything it meant from a young age. If anything, this has shown the need for better laws to protect children in entertainment.

Opinion | Is it just me, or are we going backwards?
All over the country and all over the world, we are seeing backtracking when it comes to women’s rights. From abortion bans to femicides, women all over the globe are under attack.

Opinion | Normalize the abnormality of deafness
Hearing society in America minimizes Deaf culture and expects conformity to oral language. Though Deafness is uncommon, it does not denote inferiority and deserves appreciation and acceptance.

Opinion | Insulin prices need to be reduced
Insulin is a life-saving drug, and pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. charge too much for it.

Opinion | Our community deserves a decent animal shelter
There’s a strategic plan to improve the current condition at the OC animal shelter but incompetent managers are ignoring it.

Opinion | An amateur reporter’s guide to the Oscars
I attended the 96th Oscars ceremony as a member of the press. Here’s what went down.

Opinion | Canceled too soon
So many shows get canceled nowadays that it almost seems like a rite of passage for people to get fully invested in a show only to find out it was canceled.

Opinion | A breakdown of the 96th Academy Awards ballot
The Panther’s Features and Entertainment section breaks down who they think will win and who they’re rooting for on the 96th Academy Awards ballot.

Opinion | Where are the Latinx characters?
Latinx representation on screen is still far less than it should be. This becomes glaringly obvious when watching awards shows like the Emmys due to the historical lack of Latinx nominees and winners across the board.

Opinion | The victimization of Rory Gilmore
Gilmore Girls is a comfort to many, including myself, but it can be difficult to watch at certain points because Rory Gilmore’s character gets worse and worse. This is a problem with many TV series, where a once beloved character will take a trajectory that is not satisfying to the viewers and can ruin the viewing experience for many.

Opinion | Gummy rings and tombstones
Lisa Frankenstein brings a new spin to romantic comedies that cater to an audience that till now hasn’t been the focus. The movie uses a macabre twist as a backdrop to an unusual couple that takes till death do us part a bit too literally.

Opinion | The most dystopian commercial I’ve ever seen
Intuit MailChimp recently broadcast a bizarre commercial discussing how they track consumer behaviors to personalize advertisements. I have a number of issues with the advert and the company itself, and I believe they need to be held accountable.

Opinion | All I want for Christmas is a puppy
When I was little, my brother and I got together to ask Santa to bring us a puppy for Christmas. A year later, exactly on Christmas Day, our dog was born.

Opinion | To those who came before and those who are just starting
Here’s to being grateful to the rebels of history. To the people who saw injustice and chose to fight, thank you.

Opinion | The eye of the hurricane, spreading like wildfire
On Oct. 25 a hurricane hit the city of Acapulco in Mexico. According to scientists, this is the beginning of a new trend of hurricanes being harder to predict due to global warming.

Editorial | Further bloodshed won’t resolve war between Israel, Palestine
Let’s start with the most important thing. Lives are being lost. Humans are suffering.

Opinion | Our Day of the Dead bonding is still alive
Day of the Dead has always been a tradition I share with my mom. From buying things to setting up the decorations, every year, we worked together and bonded over the holiday. Though, now that I’m at Chapman, things are definitely different.

Opinion | Here I go again
As I turned 21, I looked back on my 18th birthday to compare the difference between coming of age in Mexico versus the United States, during the COVID-19 pandemic and after it.

Opinion | Changing my outlook on change
When change gets to be too much, ask yourself: “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard?”