Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | We will not stop, we will not rest: Looking to Chapman SJP’s divestment proposal

Is Syllabus Week Dead?
Is the first week of school an adequate transition to college life for students? The once easy-going and non-stressful “Syllabus Week” seems to be almost gone entirely

Opinion | Bruised, battered and unsung
Without the stunt department, Hollywood would not be the same. The car chases would be lame, the fights would be boring and there would probably be no explosions. So it’s about time we give them some time in the spotlight.

Opinion | People are lonelier than ever because of social media and phones
Take a second to think about the strain phones and media put on your mind.

Opinion | AI is no artist
While artificial intelligence (AI) has the ability to create media meant to emulate art, what it produces should not be considered artistic.

Opinion | More like love corners
Love triangles have always been part of the media, but I’ve never really liked them. However, more recently, there’s been a shift in how they are presented that makes them far more compelling than they were before.

Opinion | Open letter about the inclusion of ASL in public schools’ language curriculum
American Sign Language (ASL) is widely prevalent within the United States, and its awareness is only growing. This is a letter to the Superintendent of Hawai’i Public Schools, urging for the inclusion of ASL within the curriculum offered to students. With the inclusion, a barrier will be broken between the deaf community and those surrounding it.
Opinion | In a gradually heating earth…
We’ve reached the 1.5C temperature rise we agreed to avoid to stop climate change. Do I need to say more? Climate change is not waiting. We need action. Now.

Opinion | The Westernization of yoga
Since the boom of yoga in the Western world, the way of movement has lost its meaning, blurred by the drive to look a certain way. With yoga’s popularity, it is vital to understand where it's derived from and how diving deeper into the roots can expand one’s mental well-being.

Opinion | I need a villain
Disney villains were always so much cooler than the heroes. They had power and ambition, they looked cool, and above all, they showed me there was an alternative to the traditional expectations.

Opinion | Resistance in the 21st century
Women across the world are using social media to amplify their voices and demand change. From the US to India, social media is proving to be the catalyst for change in feminist movements.

Opinion | AC/DC and the complexities of nostalgia
AC/DC’s 50th anniversary reissue of some of their most iconic albums proves that nostalgia is a powerful and complex force in the music industry.

Opinion | The cost of our joy was their trauma
In recent years, many child actors have spoken out on their experiences struggling with fame and everything it meant from a young age. If anything, this has shown the need for better laws to protect children in entertainment.

Opinion | Is it just me, or are we going backwards?
All over the country and all over the world, we are seeing backtracking when it comes to women’s rights. From abortion bans to femicides, women all over the globe are under attack.

Opinion | Normalize the abnormality of deafness
Hearing society in America minimizes Deaf culture and expects conformity to oral language. Though Deafness is uncommon, it does not denote inferiority and deserves appreciation and acceptance.

Opinion | Insulin prices need to be reduced
Insulin is a life-saving drug, and pharmaceutical companies in the U.S. charge too much for it.

Opinion | Our community deserves a decent animal shelter
There’s a strategic plan to improve the current condition at the OC animal shelter but incompetent managers are ignoring it.

Opinion | An amateur reporter’s guide to the Oscars
I attended the 96th Oscars ceremony as a member of the press. Here’s what went down.

Opinion | Canceled too soon
So many shows get canceled nowadays that it almost seems like a rite of passage for people to get fully invested in a show only to find out it was canceled.

Opinion | A breakdown of the 96th Academy Awards ballot
The Panther’s Features and Entertainment section breaks down who they think will win and who they’re rooting for on the 96th Academy Awards ballot.