Interested in submitting in an op-ed or guest column with us?
Op-eds or guest columns must be no longer than 600 words and sent in a Google document or Word document to the Opinions Editor, Sarrah Wilkes, at
Columns must have a clear point of view with strong arguments backed by facts and evidence. Profanity is not allowed. Not every submission is guaranteed to be published, and submissions are subject to editing and suggestions for clarity, grammar and style.

Opinion | Why I chose working over furthering my education
To work or to further my education? A tale as old as time for graduating seniors. When determining your next steps, don’t focus on the immediate future.

Opinion | Use your immunity for good: volunteer at a vaccine site
As soon as you become vaccinated, please consider donating your time to the countless organizations that could use your help.

Opinion | A celebration to bring AAPI community together despite challenges
After a year of loneliness and isolation, it was exactly what we needed: a night that was just ours.

Opinion | Seeing the full picture: Understanding a Western world full of Asian influences
In order to be familiar with Asian culture, one must understand Asian culture as a whole. There is so much more to Asian culture that people don’t see.

Editorial | The Hesperian needs to resign
It seems as if The Hesperian is blackmailing veteran academics at Chapman into heeding their request to investigate professor Liam O’Mara.

Opinion | The hybrid format isn’t working
Since spring break, Chapman has been test-driving the new hybrid system. Like a test drive, sometimes it’s just not the right fit.

Opinion | Paint-by-numbers released my inner Bob Ross
You should find at least one escape into your inner kid. For me, I felt like lil’ Meg again while playing around with acrylic paint.

Opinion | Making music in the pandemic
Writing, recording and releasing music during the height of the pandemic is a very surreal, awesome and strange process.

Opinion | Reporting on trauma: a journalist’s emotional burden
Though I pride my work in being factually accurate, my emotions are a vehicle for me to better connect and empathize with the individuals I’m able to spotlight.

Editorial | What can we do?
Our campus has faced this cycle over and over again. It’s time for every single person on this campus to answer a couple questions.

Opinion | ‘Women in Focus’ panel lit a flame in me
I can only hope that meetings in the future will look like this panel — a room full of passionate women who love to create.

Opinion | BSFF to BSU: we hear you
We are committed to continuing to strive for better conditions and opportunities for our constituents and we want you to know that the BSFF is here to support Black students.

Opinion | Fulfilling a childhood dream: being on the ‘Wheel of Fortune’
On Feb. 11, 2021, I got the chance of a lifetime to be a contestant on the game show, “Wheel of Fortune.”

Opinion | How altering social media usage improved my mental health
I enhanced my quality of life, and all I had to do was put my phone down. I hope you find the inspiration to do the same.

Opinion | Being a COVID-19 compliance safety officer
Managing compliance is critical in any industry, but it’s not for the faint of heart.

Editorial | The fragility of life
The fact that the Orange shooting occurred less than 10 minutes from our campus is a wake-up call. Tragedy can happen anywhere.

Opinion | 7 signs you have developed a case of “senioritis”
We’re on the last few pages of the owner’s manual and life is waiting for us.

Opinion | My worst nightmare: combating OCD during a pandemic
Only in my nightmares did I expect to experience a pandemic in my lifetime. But that nightmare became a reality in 2020.

Opinion | My first Chapman class did not go as planned
After seven months as a freshman at Chapman, I finally attended my first class in person March 30.

Opinion | 10 haikus: me, you and pandemic blues
Junior screenwriting major Madelyn Johnson shares 10 pandemic-related haikus.